So how would you like to earn up to 5% cash back on purchases you are already making? Many credit cards offer rotating category offers and others offer a set percentage for the entire time. There are way too many credit cards to analyze, but I will go over a handful that have fairly nice …
Category: Savings and Deals
Jun 06
Costco – What you may not know!
If you ever shopped at Costco before, you have braved the crowds and long checkout lines. Other than bulk versions of products you already know, Costco offers much more than just products alone. You know an annual membership is required, and you continue to question if it’s worth it. Costco Membership offers a variety of …
Mar 22
Fry’s Promo Codes
We know that Fry’s usually has great deals on their AD’s every week, but now there are also even better deals in their “Promo Code” emails. Fry’s has been working on changing their advertising scheme transitioning from the old fashioned newspaper publishing to online. Since Fry’s wanted to push more people to find even better …
Feb 24
1¢ Staples 500 Sheet Paper Reams
Staples usually has their 500 sheet Multipurpose paper on sale for 1 cent after easy rebate. The paper is 20lb and 96 brightness.In order to score this deal, you would need to sign up for their Daily Deals email on the bottom left corner of their website at under “Deals! Get them Now”. Staples …
Feb 23
Savings and Deals
Every now and then, I run into amazing deals that I just want to share with everyone. I do not plan on posting about specific products unless the deal can be purchased again and again. You may see these posts every now and then, but you can always click on the Savings and Deals category …
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