Oz Korean BBQ

3343 Bradshaw Rd

Sacramento, CA 95827

Rating: ★½☆☆☆ 

There was a time when I had my first tasting of Korean BBQ at Oz. Service, food, and ambiance was great 5 years ago. This visit to Oz felt more like a complete 180. Upon entering the restaurant, we were told there was a 20 minute wait. We were seated around 5 minutes later in a table near a large group.

After sitting around for around 15 minutes with no water and no service, I had to flag someone down to find a server in order to begin all you can eat service. Eventually, a server came and took our order for meat. Another 15 minutes goes by with no update, which is uncanny especially since most of the dishes ordered were raw meat that we had to cook anyways. At this point, I walk up to the front desk and ask to speak with the manager. As I was talking to the manager, I found that a server finally delivered food to the table. I expressed my deep dissatisfaction with the organization and speed of service of the restaurant. He only explained that there was a mix-up in the servers and apologized for the inconvenience. As a result, he offered one free dessert item to be comped.

A funny thing happened after complaining to the manager. Service actually improved since we actually were assigned a server who actually brought out food. The server seemed to be coming in a stream of service asking about meat refills and refilling our waters.

Enough about service, the food did taste pretty good. There was enough seasoning and sauce on the meat. I especially enjoyed the high quality beef and tender pork. The appetizers were OK. We opted for the $19.99 Mon/Tue all you can eat that included appetizers instead of the standard $18.99 meat all you can eat. Rice portions were small, but refills did come quickly after complaining.

Overall, if you have a lot of patience or come in a large group, you will enjoy your time here at Oz. Oz really likes large tables because servers continuously stream there asking for help. The types of meat available are pretty good and flavors are definitely balanced, with the exception of the appetizers. After this last visit to Oz, I think I will never come back. I might have come back if the manager would have comped one person’s fee instead of offering a cheap desert. Be wary of Oz.

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  1. […] the previous horrible visit a few weeks ago at Oz, this visit was a complete 180. Our group was quickly seated after arriving. We actually had a very […]

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